
People we met 2013

Did I get your name wrong? Send me a mail and I will put it right:
You arrived safely at your destination?  Please send me an email.

50km north of Bodega Bay we met Xavier. He started his tour in Mexico City and is cycling north to Alaska.

After hiking for a while, Toni decided to cycle north along the coastline. He bought a bike in San Francisco and started. You can follow Toni on his website

Roberta and John
In Point Arena we met Roberta and John from Santa Barbara, CA. They are cycling south like we do. Read their stories at

After cycling a large loop around Vancouver, Björn is cycling to San Diego. Last time we met him was at the campingsite in Westport, where he shared his blueberry bagels with us.

Alex and Andy
Wow, Alex and Andy cycle to LA, but before cycling down the west coast, they crossed the US. They started their cycling tour in New York, you can follow them on:

Tabatha and David
Living in Florida, Tabatha and David do cycling trips all over the world. Even in Europe they have been twice. We met them near Ophir on the honey bear campsite.

We met Jim the first time on the Washburne State Park Campingsite and shared the road with him to Nort Bend. Jim started at his home in Bellingham and is cycling to Crescent. For the next three days we met Jim every now and then. It was a pleasure to met you, Jim.

Living on the eastcoast, Paul decided to go cycling on the westcoast. So far, so good. Somehow things run out of control and Paul decided to cycle from alaska to Argentinia.

Kim and Tim
Living in Canada, Tim and Kim took the train to Seattle and cycle down to San Francisco. They are really fast on the bike, I guess the journey by train was the most challenging part for them.

Candell and Shawn
Half way between Astoria and Tillamook we met Candell and Shawn. They are cycling to San Francisco like we do. On the photo they look surprisingly fresh - this is because they just started in Astoria.

When we met Derek, he was cycling down the coastline of Oregon "from coffee shop to coffee shop", as he put it. That's a good concept since it is quite cold here and the mist doesnt make it better. Have a nice trip home to Boulder, Colorado.

Laura and Shane
In Centralia, half way between Elma and Castle Rock, we met Laura and Shane from Toronto, Canada. They started in Vancouver and cycle to San Francisco like we do. But: while we take an aircraft home, they will cycle home, all the way up. Wow, that's a long ride. We wish you a safe trip home.

Mary Beth
We met Mary Beth half way berween Bremerton and Elma. MB originally comes from the east coast and is on a cycling trip in Washington. Her bicycle looks quite loaded, tough girl.

We met Bill south of Bellingham. He was riding quite fast and overtook us. At the next hill we could catch up and talk to him at a viewpoint. Bill, a retired fireman, lives in San Jose and is on his way from border to border. While cycling Bill is raising awareness for Please feel invited to visit his website.

People We Met 2012

Lindsey and Greg
Living in Vancouver, Canada, Lindsey and Greg decided to make a cycling tour. For some reason only known to themselves they decided to make the trip in Europe. The two plan to follow the danube river to the delta, then turn south to Istanbul. We met them 20km south of Budapest, so Lindsey and Greg are half a day behind Anita and Stuart.

Anita and Stuart
70km south of Budapest we met Anita and Stuart from England. They cycled all the way fram England via Rotterdamm, Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Vienna, Bratislava to Budapest. Now the two are following the Danube river to the Delta. Their blog can be found here:

Maria und Goran
Kurz vor Baja haben wir Maria und Goran aus Luzern getroffen. Die beiden sind im Engadin gestartet und über nach Landeck ins Inntal geradelt. Von dort sind sie dem Inn bis Passau gefolgt und weitet der Donau entlang, die Reise soll noch bis Belgrad gehen. Maria hat uns für zukünftige Radtouren das Engadin wärmstens empfohlen.

Andrea und Wolfgang
In Backa Palanka (Serbien) haben wir Andrea und Wolfgang getroffen. Die beiden sind in Budapest gestartet und folgen der Donau bis ins Delta. Schon erstaunlich, wie weit man radeln muss, um Leute zu treffen, die in der gleichen Region wohnen. Wir wünschen gute Fahrt ins Delta.

Ebenfalls in Backa Palanka (Serbien) haben wir Angela aus Lausanne getroffen. Sie macht ihre erste Fahrradtour und ist in Donaueschingen gestartet. In den nächsten Wochen soll es weiter gehen bis ins Delta.

Lydia and Alex
We met Lydia and Alex around Komotini. They live in France and are on a cycling trip to Armenia. They came all the way via Albania and Mecadonia down here. Good luck to you, we wish you a save journey, bon voyage.

Edmond, Christian and Charly from London, cycling to Istanbul. We met them north of Alexandroupoli. You almost made it, good luck for the rest of you journey.

Costi Baleanu
We met Costi in Mecodonia, close to the albanian border around Debar. Costa cycled along Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria and back to his home in Romania, all together 3621 km in 30 days.
Thanks for your mail, Costa, good to know that you returned safely.

Alessandro is cycling from Italy to Tiblissi in Georgia via Istanbul. We met him in Alexandroupoli/ Greece close to the turkish border. We wish you a save trip.

Key and Graham
We met Kai and Graham on the road from the Greec border to Istanbul. Kai is heading to Japan, Graham doesn't go that far: he started in London and is only cycling to Beijing ( We wish you a save journey.

People We Met
Since you made it to our PeopleWeMet-page you probably know what we are doing. On this page I would like to give a short impression what other people are doing. 
Did you find yourself on one of these pics? Please let us know that you are still alive and send me an email at falko.schube(at) Thanks.


Marcel aus Leipzig
Marcel aus Leipzig mit Bekannter aus La Rochelle sind in Wien gestartet und haben sich auf einer kombinierten Bahn-Fahrrad-Tour bis nach Constanta durchgeschlagen. Als wir die beiden trafen, waren sie auf dem Weg von Constanta nach Odessa.

Gerd aus Karlsruhe
Ursprünglich wollte Gerd von Karlsruhe den Donauradweg entlang nach Constanta fahren. Da bis zur Rückfahrt nach Karlsruhe noch etwas Zeit war und ein schweizer Radfahrer ihm Odessa als lohnenswertes Ziel empfohlen hat, hat er noch einen Abstecher nach Odessa gemacht.
War nett, Dich kennengelernt zu haben, Gerd, wir wünschen für die restliche Etappe alles Gute!

Brandon geboren in USA, wohnhaft in Lugano
Nachdem Brandon in Bucarest seine Begleitung abgeholt hat, waren die beiden auf Rundkurs im Bereich des Donaudeltas. Anschließend wollte Brandon alleine weiter nach Odessa radeln. Brandon, hast Du den Gerd nach Odessa geschickt?
Wir hoffen, Ihr hattet ein Paar schöne Tage im Delta, der starke Wind hat ja nach wenigen Tagen nachgelassen. Dir Brandon alles Gute für die weitere Fahrt nach Odessa.

Hanna from London und Damian from Australia
Last year Hanna and Damian cycled from London to Bucarest, this year they started in Bucarest heading for Teheran. Starting at the same place you finished the year before? Nice concept, sounds familiar to me.
We wish you a safe journey, please send us a mail after your return to London. And let us know about your plans for 2012: starting in Teheran going to Australia via Beijing? Please let us know, we will not tell your mom.

Unknown cyclist
We saw this cyclist in the morning time on the main street in Constanta while he entered the city from the south. He was part of a group of three or four cyclists. Due to the traffic situation we waved to each other but could not get into contact. If you recognize yourself, please contact us.
By the way: Did you notice the advertisement?

Jean-Claude und Catherine aus Nantes
Die beiden sind von ihrer Heimatstadt Nantes aus dem Eurovelo 6 bis nach Constanta gefolgt und haben in 3 Monaten um die 5000 km zurückgelegt. Der Eurovelo 6 war den beiden aber nicht genug: Wir haben sie getroffen, als sie von Constanta nach Tulcea unterwegs waren, um sich das Donaudelta anzusehen. Danach wollen auch sie weiter nach Istanbul. Bon Voyage.